HV Advisory services. Consultancy. Quality Inspections. Research. Customer Specifications.
INFISAT specializes in professional advice on all aspects of HV electrical installations (overhead and underground) thanks to the experience of its industry-specific specialists.
Among the services are the following:
- Consultancy in Medium, High and Extra-high voltage,
- Advisory in accessories (joints, outdoor terminations, GIS terminations, link boxes, …)
- Advice on the design of the installation (type of installation, configuration, environment, …)
- Monitoring systems in overhead and underground lines,
- HTLS conductors (High Temperature and Low Sag),
- Alternative studies to increase the carrying capacity of existing lines,
- Failure investigation in High and Extra-High Voltage lines
Customer specifications
INFISAT collaborates with end users in the implementation of specifications for Medium, High and Extra High Voltage, as well as:
- prequalification inspections,
- search of alternative suppliers,
- tender preparation and documents,
- assistance in the offers analysis and evaluation of them,
- works supervision.
INFISAT offers research services in power installations:
- Review of the installations,
- Design analysis
- Preventive actions
- Failure analysis
- Conclusions and recommendations

Other services
INFISAT additionally offers the following services:
- Maintenance (checking the status of surgearresters SVL’s, checking connections, oversheath test,…).
- Test, which allow the evaluation of installations (Partial Discharge test, volgate test, tan delta measurements, capacity measures, impedance measures, …)
- Fault location, both in insulation as well as oversheath.
INFISAT HV Consulting offers everything you need to enable excellent installation guarantee of High Voltage underground and overhead cable.
We focus on our customers´ needs and opportunities.
We, at INFISAT, are well aware that every company and project have specific needs and we offer HV consultancy services that provide solutions for every specific requirement that our customers may have. Our experience and flexibility will help understand your goals and provide the personalized solutions you need in your project.
Call us and we will discuss how our consultancy services can provide the best technical advice for your company.